At 07:34 03/03/2004 +0000, you wrote:
Dear All, I've just set up two pc's attached to a KVM at home. Both PCs work fine if the keyboard and trackball are connected directly to the pcs individually. One of the pcs is a Win98 box and its fine, the other is a dual boot Windows 2000/SuSE Linux 8.2. In Win2000 the mouse works fine, but in Linux the mouse gets 'stuck' in the bottom left hand corner. When you try and move the mouse from the corner it bounces back, apparently at random, but rarely more than a third of the way across the screen in any direction.
The KVM isn't currently powered. Would this help? If anyone has a solution I'd be v. chuffed.
Thanks in anticipation
I've a Belkin omniview 8-port KVM with 5 servers connected to (SuSE 8.1 and SuSE 9.0), mouse an keyboard are connected to the KVM, i've also few omniview 4-port KVM with servers (SuSE 7.3, SuSE 8.1 and SuSE 9.0), and all works fine (KDE) Vincent