man smb.conf hilft Dir weiter:
       Samba supports "name mangling" so  that  DOS  and  Windows
       clients  can  use files that don´t conform to the 8.3 for­
       mat. It can also be set to adjust the case of  8.3  format
       There are several options that control the way mangling is
       performed, and they are grouped here  rather  than  listed
       separately.  For  the  defaults  look at the output of the
       testparm program.
       All of these options can be set separately for  each  ser­
       vice (or globally, of course).
       The options are:

       "mangle case = yes/no" controls if names that have charac­
       ters that aren´t of the "default" case  are  mangled.  For
       example,  if  this is yes then a name like "Mail" would be
       mangled. Default no.
       "case sensitive = yes/no" controls whether  filenames  are
       case  sensitive. If they aren´t then Samba must do a file­
       name search and match on passed names. Default no.
       "default case = upper/lower"  controls  what  the  default
       case is for new filenames. Default lower.
       "preserve case = yes/no" controls if new files are created
       with the case that the  client  passes,  or  if  they  are
       forced to be the "default" case. Default Yes.

       "short preserve case = yes/no" controls if new files which
       conform to 8.3 syntax, that is all in upper  case  and  of
       suitable  length,  are  created upper case, or if they are
       forced to be the "default" case. This option  can  be  use
       with  "preserve  case  =  yes" to permit long filenames to
       retain their case, while short names are lowered.  Default
       By  default, Samba 2.0 has the same semantics as a Windows
       NT server, in that it is case insensitive  but  case  pre­
-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Föcking [mailto:thomas@foecking.de]
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2001 7:17 AM
To: suse-linux@suse.com
Subject: SAMBA - Probleme beim Umbenennen von langen Dateinamen

Hallo Liste!
SAMBA läuft super.... ich kann:
verzeichnisse erstellen, dateien erstellen/löschen und auch umbenennen, aber:
wenn eine Datei Leerzeichen enthält  (z.B. "Interpret - Name des songs.mp3") , dann
kann ich diese nicht übers Netzwerk umbenennen, obwohl ich der Besitzer der Datei bin, und auch alle Rechte dazu habe.
Gibts dafür bei in der smb.conf eine bestimmte Einstellung?