openSUSE-RU-2013:1582-1: froxlor: Update from 0.9.27 to 0.9.29 and added configuration files for openSUSE 12.x

openSUSE Recommended Update: froxlor: Update from 0.9.27 to 0.9.29 and added configuration files for openSUSE 12.x ______________________________________________________________________________ Announcement ID: openSUSE-RU-2013:1582-1 Rating: low References: #846355 Affected Products: openSUSE 12.3 ______________________________________________________________________________ An update that has one recommended fix can now be installed. Description: This udpate fixes the following issues with froxlor: - added configuration files openSUSE 12.x (at Server Configuration) - upstream upgrade to version 0.9.29 (bnc#846355) + Froxlor package for armhf doesn't show up in aptitude + unable to register 'memcache' SSL session cache: Memcache support not enabled + Cron Domain-SSL certificate + fixed error in Apache mod_write + Provide php.ini configuration for php-fpm - upstream upgrade to version Due to a syntax-error in the updater we had to re-release as version - upstream upgrade to version 0.9.28 + Use complete domain name as default path for DocumentRoot + added possibility to add random prefixes to a customers database-name + fixed FreeBSD 8.2: Bind 9 is missing from list of Daemons + fixed bug in "Amount of APS installations" counter + fixed webserver-specific default vHost settings don't work in ligHTTPd + fixed Redirect with SSL Enabled Domain + fixed bug in "Amount of autoresponders" counter + fixed incorrect configuration command for awstats under Gentoo + fixed falsely used e-mail sender name + updated default parameter list of sendmail-program in php.ini-template + fixed falsely added specialsettings to a ssl-redirect + fixed usage of empty value for CertificateChainFile (it's allowed) + cleaned up language files + fixed redirect to "ip:port" + fixed clean-up if fcgid/php-fpm configurations - upstream upragde to version 0.9.28-rc1 + customers are now able to search their email-addresses in the overview (like domains, etc.) + new directory-structure for e-mail accounts. New added accounts will be stored in a new maildir-structure (e.g. /var/customers/mail/customeracc/domain/mailacc/Maildir/). An explanation why this makes sense can be found in the ticket-description. Note: no configuration changes are necessary and existing accounts do not need to be updated, as the homedir/maildir is read from the database. + the default language for users without a language-setting is now determined via HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE + added support for apache-2.4 (note: mod_log_sql is not compatible to apache-2.4) + path to nginx's fastcgi_params-file is now customizable (as other distributions/systems do not have it in /etc/nginx/) + fixed alias generation when the docroot of a (sub)domain was below the customerdocroot + Apply settings for all subdomains in now deactivateable (but will be checked when you re-open the domain-edit view, this is intended!) + the default php-cgi listener for nginx is now editable as intended + php-fpm files are generated correctly - due to a double "cleaning" of the php-cgi-configdir, they were created and later removed in the cronjobs + fixed php-fpm usage on apache-webserver + fixed incorrect display of used traffic in admin-overview + fixed falsey used private class property in database-class + fixed endless-loop in readdir() when bind is not installed but php-fpm is activated + fixed problems when disabling a customer / the customer removes one of his database with mysql version >4.1 + froxlor is now completely using UTF-8 encoding. + The classic theme has been removed. Maintaining two very different themes and the goal to gain usability and simplicity lead to that decision. - Important information: + support for mod_log_sql will drop in the final 0.9.28 release. If you still use it, please switch to webalizer or awstats + support for dovecot-1 on Gentoo will be dropped in 0.9.29 as Gentoo's tree does not include it anymore. + support for Debian Lenny has been removed as it is EOL since 6.2.2012. + support for Ubuntu Hardy will be deprecated in 0.9.28 and removed in 0.9.29 as it will be unsupported in april 2013. + php's safe_mode setting will be removed in the final 0.9.28 release as it is deprecated. Patch Instructions: To install this openSUSE Recommended Update use YaST online_update. Alternatively you can run the command listed for your product: - openSUSE 12.3: zypper in -t patch openSUSE-2013-799 To bring your system up-to-date, use "zypper patch". Package List: - openSUSE 12.3 (noarch): froxlor-0.9.29-4.4.1 References:
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