On Wednesday, September 9, 2020 5:15:25 PM WIB Simon Lees wrote:

> Hi


> On 9/9/20 5:34 PM, Constant wrote:

> > Cannot remember when I started including the plater repositories in my

> > repositories list but it has given me a stable result.

> >

> >

> > Today I wanted to check for the latest update for my Tumbleweed when I

> > found out that the platter list did not want to download the normal list

> > but faulted with "dowbload.

> >

> > ......................

> >

> > Retrieving:

> > http://dowbload.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/plater/Tumbleweed/repo/rep

> > oindex.xml?cookies=0 ........[done (1.2 KiB/s

> >

> > how may I contact plater?


> https://build.opensuse.org/users/plater lists an email address, Dave has

> been active on this list in the past but not for over a year so there is

> a chance he will see this anyway.

Had a good look at the https://build.opensuse.org/users/plater site but there is no email address from Plater and looking through all posibilities there does not seem to get to kontakt  plater.

Its a pity because I do not see any posibilitie to find out where this "dowbload" comes from.