
What time zone are you in?

I am in PST at the moment - so if you are in US time - and willing to work out your issues over the on-line meeting - I would be happy to help.

I do not use Tumbleweed, but I am pretty familiar with leap releases and general opensuse administration tools, documentation and troubleshooting.

If that is something you would be interested in. Let me know off the list, so that we can organize how to connect.


On Mon, Sep 14, 2020, 09:14 Tomas Kuchta <> wrote:

On Mon, Sep 14, 2020, 02:57 Carlos E. R. <> wrote:
On 14/09/2020 04.14, Doug McGarrett wrote:
> On 9/13/20 8:43 PM, Darryl Gregorash wrote:
>> On 2020-09-13 4:56 p.m., Doug McGarrett wrote:
>>> On 9/13/20 6:04 PM, Knurpht-openSUSE wrote:
>>>>>> Check your repos and remove the one that refers to the cd:/ or hd:/
>>> How do I do that, please?
>> YaST/Software Repositories
> 1. I found that file manager--a style of software editor I haven't seen
> in about 20 years, and I forget how to use it.
> I could not move the high-lighted line down to the one with cd  in it,
> and I wound up zapping the top three,

Gosh. You just had to click with the mouse on the line having the CD.

Doug might be using yast instead of yast2. In that case mouse would not help.

> which I am sure is not good. However, the system is still working, so I
> guess I haven't done any serious
> harm.

Yes you did, very serious damage.

> 2. At the end of doing that, the zypper dub still wanted the 0824 disk.
> I figured I have nothing to lose at this
> point, so I put in the 0826 disk, and it was happy. This is probably
> something that should be published in
> large letters, somewhere: USE THE LATER DISK--IT WILL SATISFY THE

And destroy your system.