Le 07/08/2021 à 22:29, Felix Miata a écrit :
First, go into
"System Settings" -> "Startup and Shutdown" -> "Background Services" and deselect
yes, this seems necessary, but have to be done later, because it disable most of the kde display, specially pannel :-( ,
and delete any directory you find with the string
I rename it to fond it again. I made many tests with not very good results. In there are files, and I'm not sure which is picked first, many are very old. If I could choose one it would be good. But even making one read only is not enough
in the name. Next, remove also ~/.cache/*. Once these are done, you can reopen a Plasma session and expect it will not mess with your display configuration.
not really
the xrandr corresponding line is
xrandr --fb 1920x1080_60.00 --dpi 96 --output eDP1 --pos 0x0 --scale-from 1920x1080 --same-as VIRTUAL1
I wish I could understand what this is supposed to accomplish. Is your screen's native resolution 1280x720 or 1366x768?
native is 1366x768. The goal is just to *scale* the actual display to full hd, to have less intrusive decorations. nowaday many apps are made for full hd (1920x1080) screens followup in the next post thanks jdd -- http://dodin.org