On Thu, 2020-10-15 at 09:21 +0200, Carlos E. R. wrote:
On 15/10/2020 08.33, TomasK wrote:
On Thu, 2020-10-15 at 07:59 +0300, Andrei Borzenkov wrote:
15.10.2020 00:42, Tomask пишет:
I observe the same "annoying" behavior - having to enter disk encryption password two times - in grub and at swap activation during boot.
Which is completely unrelated to the issue discussed in the thread,
How is that different? Is it not the issue he is describing - being queried for the same LUKS password two times during the boot? I do not suspect that plymouth (just putting a decoration over boot messages to hide them) could have anything to do with passwords though. Sure, I do not have explanation to this problem suddenly appearing - knowing that others have the same problem from the moment of install can be meaningful in problem solving.
I think he refers to having entered a password on grub. That password can not be told or passed on to the kernel that boots an instant later, or to systemd. I think not even to plymouth. Grub is an isolated thing. I think grub needs the LUKS password only when /boot is encrypted (be it directory or separate partition). Grub needs to be able to load the kernel into memory, for which it needs to read-decrypt what is in /boot. Support for this is relatively recent: previously full disk encryption needed a separate /boot partition in the clear.

Thank you Carlos, Andrei,

I see, that would make sense - I did not check if /boot now lives in / - I assumed not - I will check it for my own sake when I have time.
