Il 20/10/23 16:42, Marco Calistri ha scritto:
Il 20/10/23 13:53, Manfred Hollstein ha scritto:
On Fri, 20 Oct 2023, 18:27:12 +0200, Marco Calistri wrote:
Il 20/10/23 10:15, Manfred Hollstein ha scritto:
sudo zypper se -s -x vlc-codecs libx264-164
marco@linux-turion64:~> sudo zypper se -s -x vlc-codecs libx264-164
[sudo] password di root:
Caricamento dati del repository in corso...
Lettura dei pacchetti installati in corso...

S  | Name        | Type      | Version                                 |
Arch   | Repository
i+ | libx264-164 | pacchetto | |
x86_64 | Packman
v  | libx264-164 | pacchetto | |
i586   | Packman
    | vlc-codecs  | pacchetto |                    |
x86_64 | Packman
    | vlc-codecs  | pacchetto |                    |
i586   | Packman
Hmm, strange, as I have the same version of the libx264-164 package
installed here and, as I wrote, it works properly here. Perhaps you
can show us the version of your parole package, too:

   rpm -q parole
I've uninstalled it now but I was using the Tumbleweed repo package.

Do you have an example URL which doesn't work for you?

I tried to play MPEG-4 file directly, not URL.

And I'm not the only one suffering with this Parole issue:

"tsu2Flux Capacitor Penguin

Decided to take a look at this, on a TW although I doubt that matters…

It looks like parole has a bug…

It doesn’t know how to find the codecs installed in the system.

Also, when it launches and attempts to play a file it doesn’t have a codec, it will offer to download and install the codec but it appears that the embedded URL to download the codec is broken (intentionally? Might be when parole is distributed as part of Gnome and due to openSUSE policy on proprietary code).

Recommend submitting a bug to


Marco Calistri
Build:  openSUSE Tumbleweed 20231020 
Kernel: 6.5.6-1-default - XFCE: (4.18.3)