Working fine here, tumbleweed not complete actual, ffmpeg 4.4.3-6.1 all things what have packman is installed from packman (via yast, switch to packman, install all from there what is already at the system installed) and i am using smplayer. using: smplayer http://zdf-hls-15.akamaized.net/hls/live/2016498/de/veryhigh/master.m3u8 Oh, your link "https://www.zdf.de/live-tv" will not work DIRECTLY. smplayer says: ytdl_hook] Got empty playlist, nothing to play. Failed to recognize file format. Exiting... (Errors when loading file) but your link will work fine inside firefox and: smplayer https://www.zdf.de/sender/zdf/zdf-live-beitrag-100.html will work also fine. so i think your link is not ok. simoN ps: you could contact me private in german if you like/need. Am 15.05.23 um 19:24 schrieb Axel Braun:
Hello everybody,
since recently (dont ask me exactly since when) I cant stream video from german television https://www.zdf.de/live-tv anymore. No video format is supported by your device
(the orther channel - daserste.de - is working well)
Tried upgrading from ffmpeg-4 to -6 but no success. A bunch of openh264 libs is installed as well.
Any idea what to try?
Thanks Axel
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