Am Montag, 15. Mai 2023, 20:04:08 CEST schrieb Simon Becherer:
Working fine here,
tumbleweed not complete actual, ffmpeg 4.4.3-6.1 all things what have packman is installed from packman (via yast, switch to packman, install all from there what is already at the system installed)
same here.....
and i am using smplayer.
smplayer http://zdf-hls-15.akamaized.net/hls/live/2016498/de/veryhigh/master.m3u8
You don't have permission to access "http://zdf-hls-15.akamaized.net/hls/live/2016498/de/veryhigh/master.m3u8" on this server. Reference #18.5c6edd58.1684181575.1be24c41
Oh, your link "https://www.zdf.de/live-tv" will not work DIRECTLY.
It did always....
smplayer says: ytdl_hook] Got empty playlist, nothing to play. Failed to recognize file format. Exiting... (Errors when loading file)
but your link will work fine inside firefox
smplayer https://www.zdf.de/sender/zdf/zdf-live-beitrag-100.html
Same error message here, on Chromium and Firefox Cheers Axel