"Francisco M. Marzoa Alonso" wrote:
I've just installed a SuSE63 in a new machine and i'm trying to leave it just with the essentials services, doing a portscan this is the result:
fmmarzoa@vivaldi:~ > portscan 22 23 80 113 139 443 514 #
Well, i want port 22 (ssh), 23 (telnet), 80 (http) and 139 (netbios - sorry, it should serve files to windows clients :/) active, and i know how to deactivate them if i need, but i cant find how to put out 113 (auth), 443 (https) and 514 (shell ?).
443 can be served by apache. Is apache up ? 514 is served by inetd, at least on some of my boxes with SuSE 6.1 / 6.3. Is the portmapper started while setting up the network ? Why do you need telnet if ssh is running ? Regards, Fred Mobach