24 Oct
24 Oct
i try to get the official Suse secutity update of KDE. Two weeks ago there was a security advisory for KGhostView (http://www.kde.org/info/security/advisory-20021008-1.txt)
I tried to use YOU to get KDE3.0.4 but at least for Suse 8.1 I could not find the update (within YOU). But there *are* KDE3.0.4 RPMs at ftp.suse.com/[...]/update/8.1/rpm/i586. Why don't they show up within YOU? Are they not yet ready or will they get replaced within the next few days?
The latter, yes. We want to have that material fixed in all security aspects. Better do it again now than later. We're busy with them right now.
Or maybe am I save with my KDE3.0.3 Suse 8.1 standard installation?
Not quite. Please wait for a few hours...
Thanks in advance, Matthias