On Apr 1, pelibali <pelibali@freemail.hu> wrote:
On my SUSE 9.1 I found two quite strange links as /dev/shm/Desktop/~Desktop -> /dev/shm/Desktop/ /var/lib/ntp/var/lib/~ntp -> ../..
The /dev/shm directory is a ramdisk/temporary filesystem. Although the links are strange, I do not think that there is any problem with them (security wise).
By the way I have an interesting '/usr/bin/[' file as well; is this strange name just an accident or it supposed to be like this? And why then this uncommon name? This is the short name for the "test" command, used like if [ -f /etc/passwd ] ; then echo hi ; fi ^-> Yes, a binary is called at this place! Note: Bash programmers should use [[ ]] because it is an internal command and therefore much faster (and more powerful).
Strange enough, there is a separate "test" command and [ is not a link to test. But otherwise, the [ executable is perfectly normal. Markus -- __________________ /"\ Markus Gaugusch \ / ASCII Ribbon Campaign markus(at)gaugusch.at X Against HTML Mail / \