Hi Andy,

have you tried to define the DocumentRoot explicit "/srv/www/"?
Within the DocumentRoot you can also work with * as wildcard (/srv/www/*/something/)


Dörfler Andreas <Andreas.Doerfler@kempten.de>

25.10.2005 08:34

[suse-security] wildcard for reverse proxy via apache ?

hello list,

i try to setup reverse proxy for all our websites with apache 2.x.
right now my vhosts look like this:

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName test.dummy.tld
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /

that way it works fine for root-dir of the webserver
but not for the subdirectorys ( test.dummy.tld/subdir/ )

is it possible to configure a wildcard for all subdirs
or it is needed to configure ProxyPass ProxyPassReverse
for every single subdir ?


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