> When setting samba=yes in firewall.rc.config, udp-port 137:138 is open
> for the whole world. I want to close these ports. But when i set samba to "no" and
> opening the tcp and upd ports for samba only for my internal network, it
> doesn't work.

>>you can configure samba to listen only on the internal interface. Another
>>thing is, that you need port 139 (tcp+udp ?), too.
My configuration is: UPD 135:139 and TCP 135:139 open for internal network
and samba=no in firewall.rc.config...
When setting samba=yes there will be ONLY an extra rule which looks like this:
    $IPCHAINS -A input -j "$ACCEPT" -p udp -d 0/0 137:138 $LAA
Why doesn't work samba without this rule????