Hi all,
has anybody ever tried to work with openldap with kerberos support ?
I have tried to compile openldap to work with kerberos support but didn't have a lot of luck.
I tried it with the MIT Kerberos libs and with Heimdals but got errors with both of them.
I couldn't get it to compile without errors.
I am currently working on SuSE 7.0 Platform. I have installed cyrus with SASL support.
I have the latest sources from openldap and MIT/Heimdal kerberos.
Did anybody have luck compiling these or maybe can tell me where i can find binaries for openldap with kerberos support compiled in ?
Thanks in advance
Ing. Alexander Seitz (Alexander.Seitz@fhs-hagenberg.ac.at)
System Administrator (sysadmin@fhs-hagenberg.ac.at)
FHS Hagenberg (www.fhs-hagenberg.ac.at)
Hauptstrasse 117
4232 Hagenberg