[opensuse-project] oSC16 - Organizing Team Meeting 8 Notes

Hi All, Below is the link to the notes for this week's openSUSE Conference Organizing Meeting. The key topic discussed this week was the keynotes and planned structure. The following is what we currently have planed for aligning the dates: Keynote June 22 - Aaron Seigo or Georg Greve (suggested) June 23 - Frank Karlitschek (Planned) June 24 - Norman Fraser, Ph.D. (Planned) June 25 - Michael Miller (Planned) June 26 - Meeting with the Board (suggested) Structure June 22 - SUSE Labs (suggested)/ SaltStack (suggested)June 23 - oSC16 / ownCloud (confirmed) June 24 - oSC16 / Kolab (suggested) / ownCloud June 25 - oSC16/ Kolab/ ownCloud Meet Up/ CoderDojo (kids program) June 26 - Docker Meetup (suggested) If you have any concerns with the keynote dates or the planned structure, please let me know ASAP. v/r Doug week 8 notes - http://community.opensuse.org/meetings/opensuse-project/2016/opensuse-projec... week 7 notes - http://community.opensuse.org/meetings/opensuse-project/2016/opensuse-projec... week 6 notes - http://community.opensuse.org/meetings/opensuse-project/2016/opensuse-projec... week 5 notes - http://community.opensuse.org/meetings/opensuse-project/2016/opensuse-projec... week 4 notes - http://community.opensuse.org/meetings/opensuse-project/2016/opensuse-projec... week 3 notes - http://community.opensuse.org/meetings/opensuse-project/2016/opensuse-projec... week 2 notes - http://community.opensuse.org/meetings/opensuse-project/2016/opensuse-projec... week 1 notes - http://community.opensuse.org/meetings/opensuse-project/2016/opensuse-projec...
participants (1)