= Board Meeting Monday 2024-12-09 14:00 CET = * Present: Doug, Neal, Simon, Patrick * Excused: Shawn, Gerald * Guest: Luna * Minutes: Doug == system76 request to use logo for calendar == Answers provided: purpose of the calendar is our second annual calendar giveaway featuring Tux This year, system76 is trying something different and telling a story about Tux's adventure in Space to spread open source freedoms Target audience, every customer will get a free calendar in their shipment until we run out of supplies. calendars will also be mailed to some influencers, employees, and giveaways at conferences until we run out of calendars Plan for use https://paste.opensuse.org/pastes/95b863519a7d Decision ddemaio to send proper svg. Ask to please not stretch or skew the logo. Always keep the aspect ratio intact when resizing == Discussed the cloud image == Geeko Foundation is trying to assist Need an admin for the site. Trying to take some ownership == Sponsorship == Geeko Expressed assisting with some infrastructure support == Next meeting == Meeting for 23.12.2024 is cancalled. Doug, Neal & Patrick will join meeting in January Meeting ends 14:28
participants (1)
ddemaio openSUSE