Regular Community Meeting Week 44

Hi all, We have two community meetings this week. The time for the meetings have shifted due to daylight savings. Meeting 1 is today (on Tuesdays) at 14:30 UTC (60 minutes). Meeting 1 doesn't have a specific topic this week. Meeting 2 is on Thursdays at 19:00 UTC. Meeting 2 will focus more on marketing as this was agreed upon as the topic that will be discussed at every first Thursday meeting of the month. Regular community meetings are an option to create change for the project and we encourage members to attend. Meetings take place on and notes are available at

HI all, Please find the notes from Meeting 1 at Please find the notes from Meeting 2 below or at v/r Doug ## Participants: taj, Ivo, ddemaio, Knurpht ### topics Original Equipment Manufacturer (action) contact OEM's about buying laptops with openSUSE. Email, chat or phone "We have potential buyers and want to know if you can offer openSUSE" If not, why. List of supported laptops out-of-the-box Needs to be updated Manufacturers Dell Lenovo Starlabs - Tuxedo Computers (Simon will write an email and ask for pre-installed opensuse) Slimbooks (Simon will write an email and ask for pre-installed opensuse) Wortmann AG (Simon will write an email and ask for pre-installed opensuse) Toshiba Samsung LG Fujitsu Asus Survey on Safety/Wellbeing On a scale of 1 - 10, how safe do you feel within openSUSE community? If less than 5-6 in 140 charcters or less, how/where do you feel unsafe. Multi-choice where do you feel unsafe in the community within openSUSE communication channels: discord mailinglists bugzilla telegram matrix forum irc conferences facebook reddit twitter Comment section: Note - If you would like, please share the situation(s) that made you feel uncomfortable. (please avoid the use of names) Action - determine timeline
participants (1)