Re: [opensuse-project] Balsam Professional & Balsam Enterprise
On 2011-04-21 Kim wrote:
Am 21.04.2011 02:07, schrieb Pascal Bleser:
So you guys are doing what we've been asked specifically_not_ to do because it would harm Novell's business ?
Please tell me the reasons why it would harm Novell´s business?
Well, it wouldn´t harm Novell´s business. Do it harm Red Hat when there´s a free clone of their RHEL? No, the oposite is the case.
Actually, it does harm RH's business to some extend. At least they believe so themselves.
Novell would get a bigger community which supports SLE. Why? Because I can free download the clone, and get the updates.
You can download SLE for free already to test it.
So I can test the clone how long I wanted to test it and then buy a "real" SLE. I´m already familiar with SLE and would be more secure to use it.
That´s the way how the RHEL/CentOS-modell runs.
But not because Red Hat wants that but because they can't stop it.
And by the way, there many users who really want some kind of SuSE Professional for middle companies like SuSE has offered in the past.
a SLE Server license costs 290 euro per year, nothing for even a small company. A desktop license starts at 47 euro/year. Not too bad? ;-)
participants (1)
Jos Poortvliet