Leap 15.6 Beta Update + Bug Day annoucement

Hello openSUSE! We expect the current build-in-progress to be openSUSE Leap 15.6 Beta. openQA on the last build looks decent, Max did a great job! We were able to eliminate many build failures thanks toPeter Simons and his help on the Haskell stack. GNUHealth got merged thanks to Axel, and hard work from many awesome engineers working on the python3.11 stack. We expect that the build should be ready to be published by tomorrow, but we'd like to announce it on Thursday as part of our weekly meeting with some "extra sauce". Our regular *Beta testing effort (the Google sheet) was challenged at one of the recent weekly meetings and the agreement was that we'd like to lower the threshold for people who would not be able to follow the sheet. To be honest the participation in the manual test effort dropped by 70% since we stopped providing giveaway t-shirts for budget reasons. I agree that lowering the bar and simply asking people to do their usual workflows and tell us what went wrong could increase the testing effort. I've met a few times with Santiago Zarate, Doug, Neal, and the regular weekly meeting crew and the plan is the following: 0) Revisit update/polish https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Bug_Day and https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Known_bugs_15.6 (ONGOING) ** Any help on the wiki would be highly appreciated. ** I'd appreciate help, and suggestions from QA. ** 1) Release the Leap 15.6 Beta article on Thursday 1-2 hours before the weekly meeting + get-o-o availability. 2) Do Leap 15.6 Beta announcement && a "Bug day/testing effort" kickoff as part of our upcoming Thursday 9:00 CEST meeting on 7th March https://calendar.opensuse.org/teams/marketing/events/thursday_weekly_meeting **Everyone is welcome to join!** 3) Do a live stream from the meeting and screen share while making people familiar with https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Bug_Day#March_7th:_Leap_15.6_Beta and https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Known_bugs_15.6 and installing 15.6 live (e.g. in a VM). Doug gave me access to streamyard.com which is used for the current set of contributor workshops on YouTube. FYI: https://etherpad.opensuse.org/p/openSUSE-Contribution-Workshop 4) We suggest https://matrix.to/#/#openqa:opensuse.org as an alternative place (from the meeting itself) where people can ask regarding testing/bug reporting. I'm not so sure if it's the best idea, Santi said we could try it. Feel free to suggest an alternative in openSUSE:Bug_Day. -1) We'd be happy if you could support us and share that we'll have a Leap 15.6 Beta Bug Day event on Thursday https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Bug_Day#March_7th:_Leap_15.6_Beta Just for comparison Fedora is using the following https://testdays.fedoraproject.org/events I personally like the wiki+table structure over the google-sheet (which limits us with columns, check e.g. 15.4 attendance) [0] - old Google sheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AGKijKpKiJCB616-bHVoNQuhWHpQLHPWCb3m... Many thanks to all of you who helped us to make Beta possible! -- Best regards Luboš Kocman openSUSE Leap Release Manager

вівторок, 5 березня 2024 р. 18:45:28 EET Lubos Kocman написано:
Hello openSUSE!
We expect the current build-in-progress to be openSUSE Leap 15.6 Beta. ...
It's really bad that 15.6 still has Ruby 2.5.9. It's not supported for a long time and a lot of gems dropped its support. Why Python was updated to nearly latest version, but Ruby still that old? -- Kind regards, Mykola Krachkovsky
participants (2)
Lubos Kocman
Mykola Krachkovsky