openSUSE Sprint on Thursday, July 1

Hi all, Our monthly Thursday sprint is scheduled for July 1 at 18:30 UTC. We have moved the meetings to in The plan is to go over the various topics listed on and revisit topics we've gone over in the past months. Feel free to add a topic. v/r Doug

Hi all, On 6/29/21 2:55 PM, ddemaio wrote:
Hi all, Our monthly Thursday sprint is scheduled for July 1 at 18:30 UTC. We have moved the meetings to in The plan is to go over the various topics listed on and revisit topics we've gone over in the past months. Feel free to add a topic. v/r Doug
We had a meeting on July 1. Here are some of the topics discussed. Follow up was done on some of the previous points. You can find the notes on and revisit topics we've gone over in the past months. Feel free to add a topic. The next meeting is planned for August 5. : * (discussed) Consolidate the past few sprints. * Revisit of calendar - (calendar) Would look like Packaging is easier, but need an openSUSE theme and implementation is time consuming. * needs an owner and needs to be reworked. Quick install and feedback. * action: ddemaio to discuss with LSG * Communications Meetings. Is there a need for some sort of weekly update outside of the regular engineering meeting? (please provide feedback if you have any) v/r Doug
participants (1)