It's quite frankly this sort of nonsense that has made me take a good solid step away from the openSUSE project over the last year+. After spending weeks and months writing the CoC, it's enforcement (or, perhaps more aptly the lack thereof), has been in many cases very disappointing. 

To see a board member, apparently insisting that, indeed, we should have varied enforcement, depending on venue is absurd and incredibly disappointing. IRC has been a mess for years. 

Questioning some of our longest standing and most active moderators, and driving them away? Yes. That seems like a wonderful plan. 

The CoC needs to be applied everywhere, equally. IRC, Discord, Matrix, Telegram, forums, reddit, the mailing list, etc. Some places will undoubtedly be harder than others. But the sooner we stop treating some places with kid gloves, and like they can get away with everything, the better off ALL of our communities will be. 

On Thu, Apr 11, 2024, 9:19 PM Attila Pinter <> wrote:
On Friday, April 12th, 2024 at 8:13 AM, Attila Pinter <> wrote:

> On Thursday, April 11th, 2024 at 6:41 PM, Stefan Seyfried wrote:
> > Am 11.04.24 um 10:49 schrieb Richard Brown:
> >
> > > You're demonstrating a tendency to trust what you witness for a limited
> > > period of time over the views of multiple trusted community members who
> > > have witnessed this problem for a much longer period of time.
> > >
> > > These multiple trusted community members who volunteer to deal with this
> > > stuff every day, so the Board don't have to.
> >
> > That's all fine and good.
> > But even if we all trust the moderators doing a fine job, I still feel
> > like it is a good idea to have a second, separate entity take a look at
> > the issue.
> You're correct, but I believe that you're not familiar with the processes of the moderation team. When bans happen it gets announced on a shared channel (at the time when I was part we had 20 members), decisions are always up for debate. Same channel serves as a decision making or supporting place in case things are difficult. On top of that if anybody feels like that a ban is not justified they're always explained that A.) they can reach out to the board for further investigation, B.) open a ticket on code-o-o with the details, or C.) (and this happened on multiple occasions) reach out to other moderators to look into the matter.
> This process worked really well in the past, and would continue to work I believe. With that said there is always place for improvements, new mods to take part as well, new ideas for better processes. Hope this helps a bit. The mods-team is not exactly the illuminati :)
> --
> Br,
> A.

Apologies, forgot to add the links to the relevant sections in the CoC: