Hi all,,

Meeting 2 is today at 18:00 UTC . Please reminder that the regular community meeting are an option to create change for the project. We go over various topics. One of the topics this week will be discussing ideas for possible digital swag in the form of an NFT. I will provide an overview and we can discuss if this is something worth doing and what digital swag might look like.

The meetings take place on https://meet.opensuse.org/meeting and notes are available at https://etherpad.opensuse.org/p/weeklymeeting

On 10/19/21 12:10 PM, ddemaio wrote:
Hi all,
Just a reminder that we will have two community meetings this week. Meeting 1 is today (on Tuesdays) at 13:30 UTC (60 minutes). Meeting 2 is on Thursdays at 18:00 UTC . Please reminder that the regular community meeting are an option to create change for the project. We go over various topics. One of the topics this week will be discussing ideas for possible digital swag in the form of an NFT. I'm working on an overview and can answer some questions today, but should have a good amount for Thursday for an overview.

Meetings take place on https://meet.opensuse.org/meeting and notes are available at https://etherpad.opensuse.org/p/weeklymeeting
