Hi all,
Please see the notes from Tuesday's meeting below or at https://etherpad.opensuse.org/p/weeklymeeting20211123
Again, I won't be at the Thursday meeting later today. Happy Thanksgiving!

## Participants: ddemaio, Knurpht, Renegadext, Jens
## Topics
Discussing membership platform
Big Blue Button
Discussed BBB implementation and asked if Daniel would be willing to give us some knowledge on implementing it.
https://jitsi.github.io/handbook/docs/devops-guide/devops-guide-docker might be interessting for setting up a new Jitsi Server
For the Jitsi Server:
* Find someone who is able to reproduce this issue
* have them check that their IP setup (dualstack, etc) is ok (e.g. via https://whatismyipaddress.com/ds-check)
* have them check the console (F12)
(this is a shot in the dark, but since it doesn't seem to happen to everyone all the time this may point to setup issues that recover more or less gracefully, but cause a bad UX)
* for BBB, try bbb.cyber4edu.org