Hi all,
Below are the notes from yesterday's meeting.  We will continue where we left in Thursday's meeting.

## Participants: ddemaio, bill, gertjan, emily
## Topics
# Leap 15.4 Box and Artwork graphics see area 5
action - ddemaio to write branding team about doing Leap wallpaper that complements SLE
Tumbleweed wallpaper changes are an option if someone in the community wants to create some, but please keep in mind that any change in the wallpaper would require changes for openQA.
# Lesson Plans
    0. Benefits of open-source-software (started) - https://demacloud.ocloud.de/index.php/s/JbqB2FfWepF3NJn
    Leaving off on Materials: (task find material to help with learning obectives) to be presented in Thursdays meeting.