Hi all,

I just wanted to follow up on the meeting from last week and let you know that we will not have a meeting tonight. I visited the ZBau last week and everything is going smoothly. The contract is signed, so the venue is locked in. The video recording equipment is being discussed with SMEs so we should have news in the next two weeks. I'm also in discussion with some sponsors for oSC17. We added Linux Magazine and Admin Magazine to the list of sponsors.

We will resume meeting starting next week.

If you want to review the notes from last week, please visit http://community.opensuse.org/meetings/opensuse-project/2017/opensuse-project.2017-02-15-18.00.html



On 02/15/2017 09:20 AM, Douglas DeMaio wrote:

Hi All,

Just a quick update on oSC17. We will have a half hour meeting tonight at 1900 to discuss planning.

Last week, the topic of T-Shirt design came up. One design for the T-Shirt was submitted during last weeks meeting - https://goo.gl/photos/ewvVE5ZmB8UqTjxN8

I will start a thread for the T-Shirt design for the conference for those who would like to submit a design.

Below are the topics we will discuss tonight and the links to the previous meetings:

#topic Status
#topic Volunteers / Teams
#topic Summits / Events
#topic Keynote
#topic T-Shirts
#topic Gift Bags
#topic Videos
#topic Ideas
#topic Topics for next meeting
#topics Links

#link Week 1 - https://community.opensuse.org/meetings/opensuse-project/2017/opensuse-project.2017-02-01-18.00.html

#link Week 2 - http://community.opensuse.org/meetings/opensuse-project/2017/opensuse-project.2017-02-01-18.00.html
