On 9. Aug 2021, at 07:41, Syds Bearda <opensuse@syds.eu> wrote:

So this is the real issue. You assume that because I wrote something down you have to do work. While I already know you don’t do things you don’t want to, so what is your issue here?

I’m the release manager for MicroOS

If you do write something down and declare it officially supported, I will have to do that work.

I will have to triage those bugs.
I will need to accept those pull requests to the core parts of the distro.
I will need to juggle the growing integration problems the more complex support base requires.

One of the absolute core points of MicroOS is that it has a narrower scope than the rest of Tumbleweed.

One of the reasons for that is to be able to provide a very narrowly focused, opinionated, polished experience to its users.

Another one of those reasons is to be able to provide that narrowly focused, opinionated, polished experience with a minimal amount of effort by a minimal amount of people.

If more people were actively actually helping on “in the muck”, actually triaging bugs with me, actually fixing packages/patterns (not just throwing changes over the wall and ignoring feedback), actually handling the integration issues that need to be fixed to support some of this stuff.. then sure, MicroOS can have a broader scope and the documention can reflect that.

But you accuse me of bullying while you write so-called “official” documentation that puts more work on my shoulders? Please, stop.

The only official documentation for MicroOS is at https://microos.opensuse.org/ and will remain so for the foreseeable future.