Hi all,
The notes from today's community meeting are below. The next community meeting will resume on Jan. 11 and continue as regularly scheduled. Have a great holiday season.
## Participants: Knurpht, Emily, ddemaio, Jens
(Next community meeting will resume on Jan. 11 and continue as regularly scheduled)
## Topics
### Revamped docs
The revamped docs should **not** replace the wiki. Notices like "Please note that this page will be soon migrated to https://opensuse.github.io/openSUSE-docs-revamped-temp/index.html" will be removed from the wiki.
### Lesson Plans
Jens setup MKdocs for lesson plans to be published and contributable as a project.
Setup was started. Intial setup at https://github.com/KaratekHD/lessons/ and will come up with a plan to refine. Need testing and feedback
Keep the list of lessons.
0. Benefits of open-source-software - https://demacloud.ocloud.de/index.php/s/JbqB2FfWepF3NJn
1. Installing openSUSE - https://demacloud.ocloud.de/index.php/s/SiYNnBfdERC2sNG
2. Basic use / Advanced (show with tools)
3. LibreOffice (office suite)
4. Imagining (Simon)
5. Setting up a printer, scan
6. Setup wifi
7. How to install software
8. Browers (addons/extentions)
9. Gaming (gcompris)
10. Using the terminal
11. Graphic design (Simon), animation
12. Video editing
13. Programming Tools
14. How to report a software bug
15. Get started with openSUSE on a Raspberry Pi
16. Have a final project (find a way to contribute to open source)