Hi all,
I'll include the notes at the bottom and reply to the question from Simon.
On 10/19/21 20:40, ddemaio wrote:Hi all, Just a reminder that we will have two community meetings this week. Meeting 1 is today (on Tuesdays) at 13:30 UTC (60 minutes). Meeting 2 is on Thursdays at 18:00 UTC . Please reminder that the regular community meeting are an option to create change for the project. We go over various topics. One of the topics this week will be discussing ideas for possible digital swag in the form of an NFT. I'm working on an overview and can answer some questions today, but should have a good amount for Thursday for an overview.My main question here is does it make sense to go down this route while the project has no way to collect and use any of the revenue that it would make for the project. I can see the benefit from "Analog" swag in the fact that people wear T Shirts and put stickers on things and then take them to events and conferences so as long as we can produce these things at least at cost then there is still significant value to the community (and there is obvious demand for them).
One of the areas I realized in my presentation that wasn't clear or might have been misunderstood was that there would be no funds being accepted (nor any means or desire to accept funds) by the project. Like "analog" swag, it would be a give away, so only the receiving person would need a wallet to receive the "digital" swag. The wallet would not need to have funds in order to receive it. I clarified that position in the presentation after I realize there was a misunderstanding. The digital swag idea was a "topic for consideration". If we don't discuss ideas like this, we won't truly know how our community (and others we interact with) feel about a topics. In this case, our social media following provided results that differ from those who participated in the meeting.
I will say that "value" is interpreted differently by people, so what I value or you value or anyone else values is appraised differently by each individual. Some people put t-shirts in their "t-shirt" drawer and some people put their first version of openSUSE in a storage box. Occasionally people pull those items out and proudly display it in a photo on twitter, discord, etc; they value it. I can see either now or at some point in the future where some sort of digital swag will hold the same value for person. To whom? That I don't know, but it doesn't make what they value any less relevant.
We did agree in Meeting 2 that now is not a good time to pursue an NFT idea (digital swag) as those who took part in the meeting or posted on discord voiced an opinion that they didn't like the idea because of xyz reasons. That doesn't mean the idea shouldn't be re-visited at some point in the future because xyz reasons can change; perspective can change and in my opinion it will change. As I said last night, if any open-source projects we interact with start to do NFTs, "I'm okay if openSUSE is the first to offer an NFT giveaway and I'm also good if openSUSE is the last to offer an NFT giveaway;" the decision is up to the project to decide. I'm merely suggesting an area I see evolving that some people might value. To me, this topic and the presentation was about exploring the idea and seeing if "officially-certified NFT" by the project is worth exploring further.
Meeting 1 - https://etherpad.opensuse.org/p/weeklymeeting20211019
Meeting 2 - https://etherpad.opensuse.org/p/weeklymeeting20211021
## Presenter: ddemaio
## Participants: ddemaio, simon, taj, fernado
### topics
Gave overview of following info
* Digital Sway (NFT): ddemaio
opensea uses ETH (fees too expensive) and MATIC
File types supported: JPG, PNG, GIF, SVG, MP4, WEBM, MP3, WAV, OGG, GLB, GLTF
boom.money uses STX (low fees)
Currently supported file types are: PNG, JPG, and GIF.
NFT's metadata and Standard for NFTs.
Ideas for NFTs
Anything with the logo, wallpapers, videos, historical figures and more. Ideas?
Decision was not to pursue any NFTs at this time. If circumstances change or other solutions become available in the future, the topic to be revisited.
* software.o.o. proposal update
Add paypal option for proposal and workshop discussion
Ensure projects are verified in order for donations to be sent.
For next meeting
Get openSUSE preinstalled on workstations, laptops