you don't see a problem.   and while I (and others) disagree with you, rather strongly, that neither invalidates your position, nor mine (ours).

But to continue to make, what feels to me, like an argument that this isn't a conversation that needs to occur, that the people that disagree with you have bad intentions, or an ax to grind, or that it's nothing but noise, FUD, personal attacks, or otherwise is extremely disappointing.

Being as I was one of the early participants in the conversation that got this current discussion/argument/fight/whatever kicked off, do I wish that it could have been done in a quieter or less  confrontational manner?


Do I regret or feel bad, or ashamed of myself for having done it?

Absolutely not.

I'm absolutely with Richard, in that this doesn't have jack to do with any specific communication platform, user, subproject, or channel, and to do with what part of the membership perceives as a governance issue.

I can't speak for others with any authority, but we're not ok with the status quo, and we're not going to shut up about it.  

This is just as much our project and our community, as it is anybody else's, and we have every right, and even responsibility, to speak up, when we find things that are perceived as problems, ask questions, and even demand answers, just as much as anybody else.

On April 18, 2024 7:47:58 AM CDT, Stefan Seyfried <> wrote:
Am 18.04.24 um 14:30 schrieb Richard Brown:

Because ultimately, their power as a Board only lasts as long as all of us as community members have faith that it's a good idea, that the Board model is good enough, and that the processes they follow can be trusted.

s/all/the majority/
You'll always find someone who disagrees.