To piggyback on this:

I just recently got time to help out a wee bit, and I am quite shocked at what this has got to become.

I remember the first time I wrote on one of our mailing lists, Jos answered first, and from thereon it was a fantastic community experience. 

I urge you - stop taking everything personally. A critique is a critique of your work, not you. Others, stop being personal in attacks.

Everyone would like to find some common ground. And mature adults would know how to talk it out in a day, tops.

Someone will have to drop something and discuss. After that, there have to be clear guidelines so new contributors don't go the same rabbit hole in a couple of years.

We're all adults here, let's talk it out. Otherwise get the board and the gavel and let them decide.

But whichever way it is concluded, don't take it personally. 

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On August 9, 2021 at 11:11 AM Gerald Pfeifer <> wrote:
Hi everyone,

it's good to have this conversation and work through this.

Just whatever your position may be, can you *please* take a breath
or two and maybe try to put yourself into the shoes of those you
are arguing with before your next mail?

And refrain from personal attacks or mockery?

Let's keep in mind we are largely volunteers here - volunteers who
are proposing and working on doc improvements, volunteers who have
populated the Wiki, volunteers who rely on our docs and Wiki, plus
others who may be just watching at this point or considering (how)
to contribute.

Discouraging/frustrating volunteers is not anyone's goal, I hope.

I assume we all want to make openSUSE better and more welcoming.

Can we make sure this shines through in how we handle discourse?

Thank you,
Dr. Gerald Pfeifer <>, CTO @SUSE + chair @openSUSE