Rajko M. escribió:
Just example what new users hit when they try Linux: http://blogs.computerworld.com/a_newbie_turns_to_linux
Samba is notorious problem. It is not installed, user is not warned that it should be installed.
Whoever wants more users, has to provide polish in areas that mass market is asking for.
And what is your contribution/idea/proposal to make the situation better ? do you really think this articles from fairly clueless magazines will do the situation any better ? The lack of realistic proposals and proper problem analysis on this list is somewhat worrying, next time try posting this kind of BS in opensuse-rant instead. -- "If this is the best God can do, I am not impressed" -George Carlin (1937-2008) Cristian Rodríguez R. Software Developer Platform/OpenSUSE - Core Services SUSE LINUX Products GmbH Research & Development http://www.opensuse.org/