
Yes, the do-ocracy is what was on my mind also when reading these arguments. 

But that one stands usually for things where you scratch a personal itch nobody's interested in. If you had a wiki that you plan to reuse/modify/rebuild without properly discussing it with wiki contributors, I can see why there's also disgruntlement.

What I didn't fully understand is that it's a competing system offering more fragmentation.

I just urge people not to take anything personally and agree on the right course.

I, for one, like how it all looks on the github page, when you reach an agreement, lay out the detailed steps for dummies like me and I'll lend a hand should you still need it.

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On August 8, 2021 at 5:57 PM Vojtěch Zeisek <vojtech.zeisek@opensuse.org> wrote:
Dne neděle 8. srpna 2021 14:36:11 CEST, Richard Brown napsal(a):
Now I’ll need to fork, make my changes, probably argue with some
self appointed reviewers who claim to know better about what is
supported despite the fact I’m the one supporting it…
Yeah; the more I think about these revamped docs the more insane
this whole endeavour seems to be, especially given the total
lack of engagement to date with the folk actually in a position
of influence on what is “official” and therefore what should be
in a curated “official” documentation.

I think the move can bring plenty of benefits. I agree that doing especially
small changes is much faster on wiki. I'd say whole thing could be better
discussed from beginning. On the other hand, it's perfect example of openSUSE
"do-cracy" - group of active volunteers started to improve one of openSUSE
long-lasting issues, which is positive. :-)

Vojtěch Zeisek

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