Hi all, The ALP Work Group (WG) will take place tomorrow at 14:30 UTC. The Community Meeting will be on Thursday at 19:00 UTC. Both meetings will be in https://meet.opensuse.org/meeting You can view the meeting notes from the ALP WG and other notes at https://etherpad.opensuse.org/p/weeklymeeting. You can find the Community Meeting notes from last week at https://etherpad.opensuse.org/p/weeklymeeting20220721 One key thing from that to highlight is we were asked to reserve the Z-Bau in advance of next year's openSUSE Conference. We were given a timeframe between May 25 - 29 to reserve the venue. To add to the topics of the conference, please remember of the Call for Papers for the openSUSE.Asia Summit is open until July 31. LOGO Yes, We need a logo from this year's openSUSE.Asia Summit. Find out how to submit your logo idea at https://news.opensuse.org/2022/07/01/osa-cfl/ v/r Doug