Guys, I'm new to this list, but I believe the below is appropriate. I've just been asked if it is feasible to have a custom program the fires off when a USB camera is docked, reads in all the images and writes them to CD. Then repeat the process the next day, but this time we append to the CD. Finally once a month or so the CD, is removed and mailed off. This sounds relatively easy, but I don't know for sure I know jphoto has the camera interface logic that I need. Where can I find a CD-burner API that allows me to leave the session open. Is there a limited number of burning sessions allowed, or just until the disk fills up. FYI: I don't know what language we will do this in. We have C/C++/Java skills inhouse, so likely one of those, but I'm also interested in trying that Delphi Linux product. Greg Freemyer Internet Engineer Deployment and Integration Specialist Compaq ASE - Tru64 Compaq Master ASE - SAN Architect The Norcross Group www.NorcrossGroup.com

On Friday 31 May 2002 00.42, Greg Freemyer wrote:
FYI: I don't know what language we will do this in. We have C/C++/Java skills inhouse, so likely one of those, but I'm also interested in trying that Delphi Linux product.
Is this for a product, or something you'll be using in-house? Because it sounds like overkill to me to do a full program. A simple script that calls cdrecord sounds more reasonable. As far as I know, the API is different for different makes of recorder. A look at the source of cdrecord is probably your best bet if you really want to make a full program. regards Anders -- `When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, `it means just what I choose it to mean -- neither more nor less.'

* Greg Freemyer (freemyer@NorcrossGroup.com) [020530 15:49]:
Where can I find a CD-burner API that allows me to leave the session open. Is there a limited number of burning sessions allowed, or just until the disk fills up.
Sounds like you may want to look into the packet writing project. If you have a cdrw drive that supports this you can pretty much write to the cd like a normal filesystem. See this for details but we also have a mailing list devoted to it: http://packet-cd.sourceforge.net/ -- -ckm
participants (3)
Anders Johansson
Christopher Mahmood
Greg Freemyer