Thanks for the information, last night I was working with a fresh install of 7.3 with the 2.4.10 kernel,
I then booted into that with an older kernel I think 2.4.x from 7.1.  This allowed me to get into a screwed
up graphic mode and I then ran sax2 which said I was using kde 3x and it was going to start 4x.  Amazingly
I got a perfect screen so it can
be configured if you just can get into sax2, I believe I played with the matrox g200 driver.  It was perfect but
I lost it when I logged
out. On the next login it was strange, but I got it to the point that  If I can get it working again should I look at
some parametes
 (that would show me the parameters built
so I then could document it for other unfortunates and then I could modify the sax2 -a build files) 
Also, I used to be an assembly programmer and used to play with device drivers (many years ago, so maybe
I could look at the driver imsttfb in the kernel from 2.4 and see if I could get that to work. 

I appreciate your kind help.