! ! almost ANSI Dvorak keyboard, ! a tweaked version, by Dylan McNamee (dylan@cs.washington.edu) ! of Jeff Bigler's ANSI Dvorak keyboard. ! ! Author: Jeff Bigler (jcb@mit.edu) ! Last modified: 1995/11/13 16:02:37 by jcb@mit.edu ! ! This file should be given as an argument to xmodmap to ! switch from a qwerty to a Dvorak keyboard. ! ! Note that Null translations have been included as ! comments. ! ! If you want to be easily able to switch the keyboard ! back to its previous state, first run xmodmap -pke and ! redirect the output to a file. Then you can switch back ! by giving that file as an argument to xmodmap. For ! example, if you type: ! ! xmodmap -pke > /tmp/keyboard.default ! ! before switching the keyboard, you can then type: ! ! xmodmap /tmp/keyboard.default ! ! to reset the keyboard to its previous state. ! ! Note that if you pass this file again as an argument to ! xmodmap, you will apply these translations a second time ! and come out with gibberish! ! ! keysym 1 = 1 exclam ! keysym 2 = 2 at ! keysym 3 = 3 numbersign ! keysym 4 = 4 dollar ! keysym 5 = 5 percent ! keysym 6 = 6 asciicircum ! keysym 7 = 7 ampersand ! keysym 8 = 8 asterisk ! keysym 9 = 9 parenleft ! keysym 0 = 0 parenright keysym bracketright = bracketleft braceleft keysym backslash = bracketright braceright keysym minus = backslash bar keysym q = quoteright quotedbl keysym w = comma less keysym e = period greater keysym r = p P keysym t = y Y keysym y = f F keysym u = g G keysym i = c C keysym o = r R keysym p = l L keysym bracketleft = slash question ! keysym a = a A keysym s = o O keysym d = e E keysym f = u U keysym g = i I keysym h = d D keysym j = h H keysym k = t T keysym l = n N keysym semicolon = s S keysym quoteright = minus underscore keysym z = semicolon colon keysym x = q Q keysym c = j J keysym v = k K keysym b = x X keysym n = b B ! keysym m = m M keysym comma = w W keysym period = v V keysym slash = z Z !keycode 26 = 1 exclam ! ! Convenient other xmodmap hacks--uncomment to use. ! ! map the "Backspace" key to "Delete" ! ! keysym BackSpace = Delete ! ! Swap the "Caps Lock" and left "Control" keys. ! !remove Lock = Caps_Lock !remove Control = Control_L !keysym Control_L = Caps_Lock !keysym Caps_Lock = Control_L !add Lock = Caps_Lock !add Control = Control_L