The fact that there's a stairway to heaven and a highway to hell explains life well She wondered what his eyes were saying beneath his mirrored sunglasses. Wisdom is easily acquired when hiding under the bed with a saucepan on your head. I’m working on a sweet potato farm. He fumbled in the darkness looking for the light switch, but when he finally found it there was someone already there. The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long. It was obvious she was hot, sweaty, and tired. Lucifer was surprised at the amount of life at Death Valley. He learned the hardest lesson of his life and had the scars, both physical and mental, to prove it. Three years later, the coffin was still full of Jello. She lived on Monkey Jungle Road and that seemed to explain all of her strangeness. Greetings from the real universe. He's in a boy band which doesn't make much sense for a snake. The fish dreamed of escaping the fishbowl and into the toilet where he saw his friend go. The best key lime pie is still up for debate. She looked into the mirror and saw another person. Jason lived his life by the motto, "Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly. He didn’t want to go to the dentist, yet he went anyway. Never underestimate the willingness of the greedy to throw you under the bus. He invested some skill points in Charisma and Strength. She thought there'd be sufficient time if she hid her watch. Nothing is as cautiously cuddly as a pet porcupine. The beauty of the sunset was obscured by the industrial cranes. Jeanne wished she has chosen the red button. The thick foliage and intertwined vines made the hike nearly impossible. He shaved the peach to prove a point. Having no hair made him look even hairier. It's much more difficult to play tennis with a bowling ball than it is to bowl with a tennis ball. It caught him off guard that space smelled of seared steak. As the rental car rolled to a stop on the dark road, her fear increased by the moment. Shakespeare was a famous 17th-century diesel mechanic. You bite up because of your lower jaw. She had a habit of taking showers in lemonade. She looked into the mirror and saw another person. The memory we used to share is no longer coherent. In the end, he realized he could see sound and hear words. Mary plays the piano. Art doesn't have to be intentional. Nobody loves a pig wearing lipstick. If any cop asks you where you were, just say you were visiting Kansas. The tattered work gloves speak of the many hours of hard labor he endured throughout his life.