Hello All,
I've got SuSE PPC 7.0 running on a iMac SE.. After
I installed Postgresql, I tried a few commands.. almost every command I issue it
says the following:
ERROR: getattproperties: no attribute tuple
1247 -2
Seems that there is an optimization switch problem
and it requires a recompile.. :/ And it states that there will be an
update soon.. anyone know when?
Also, it mentions that i can recompile postgres and
pg_serv on my own. I downloaded postgres.spm from suse's site ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/ppc/7.0/suse/zq1
but cannot find the pg_serv there. Perhaps its included in the
Suse does a great job of RPMing everything and
having it all work perfectly. So I'm really wary of doing a manual
recompile, but I'd like to get this going.. Is there a way i can tell
how they compiled the packages that went into the RPMS? I'd love to know
all the options they used for the postgres package so that I can also use all of
them (except for -o0 of course).
Thanks much