more comments:

So, i finally found out what's going on. when the tray is locked mkudffs freaks out.  :)


Ben Fennema wrote:
On Wed, Sep 11, 2002 at 10:22:24AM -0700, guStaVo ZaeRa wrote:
Hello again,

following up from the mkudffs issues message i posted yesterday..

Looking at the mkudffs source, i found that the application (mkudffs) 
prints out an error message, and exits without further information when 
the blocks > start_ext->blocks..  do you have an explanation of what 
actually happens here, Ben? :)

This occurs when the detected file-system size is smaller than the minimum
file-system size.
(there prolly should be an explicit test for that case, but there isn't).

This usually happens when it detects the size as 0.

Could there be some kind of permission problem where it can't determine the
actual size? You could try specifying the number of blocks to format

The statements after the exit(1) are never reached.... why are they there?

Cut and pasted from the condition 2 above =]



guStaVo ZaeRa | Software Engineer
BRE Systems 
1532 State Street Suite C
Santa Barbara, Ca 93101

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