Am 01.03.24 um 21:18 schrieb Enrico Belleri:
Hello, I would like to include the QMK cli program in Factory. qmk_cli helps to customize, compile and flash the QMK firmware to supported keyboards. To function correctly, qmk_cli needs some python packages that are not in Factory at the moment:
The real runtime dependency list is vastly different from your list: install_requires = hid milc>=1.6.8 pyusb setuptools>=45 # qmk_firmware packages dotty-dict hjson jsonschema>=4 pillow pygments pyserial #####
- nose
Absolutely not. You won't get a long abandoned package reintroduced into Factory. does not show anything meaningful. You don't even have a %check section executing nose. Get rid of it. Please find out if upstream has some kind of tests and execute them in %check.
I created the packages already in home:iDesmI:qmk and am soon submitting them to devel:languages:python
python-hid in particular requires hidapi libraries but rpmlint complains that I can't name libhidapi-hidraw and libhidapi-libusb explicitly. How to proceed?
Create a rpmlintrc filter telling it this is fine. rpm can't automatically defer requirements from the ctypes loader.
- Ben