Am 22.01.24 um 12:30 schrieb Neal Gompa:
On Mon, Jan 22, 2024 at 6:22 AM John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
<> wrote:
On Fri, 2024-01-19 at 13:56 +0100, Ana Guerrero Lopez via openSUSE Factory wrote:
The %patch one is rather simple and results in a build failure; monitoring your
devel packages should give you hints very soon if your package is impacted.
We created submit requests for most, if not all, packages affected by that
in the last months.
Shouldn't this be extended to sources as well? There can be more than one Source
entry after all and Source will work as well as Source0, Source1, Source2 etc.

I'm not sure I understand the reasoning behind this change. It will result in
unnecessary FTBFS.

The point of this change is so that %PATCHN can eventually behave like
%SOURCEN (point to the path of the patch file) rather than being
masked by a macro that applies the patch. It also allows %prep to be a
completely normal scriptlet like the other phases.

This warning has been emitted since RPM 4.18, too. And it doesn't
affect you if you use %autosetup or %setup + %autopatch.

Wait, we are changing the behavior of %patchN, too? That's not how I understood the announcement. I thought only %patch without any number and argument would be affected.

ben@skylab:~/src/osc/bmwiedemann/openSUSE> git grep -E '%patch[0-9]+$' | wc -l

- Ben

真実はいつも一つ!/ Always, there's only one truth!