Hello again, El Domingo, 19 de Marzo de 2006 14:44, Ludwig Nussel escribió:
build the proper environment. But, how can we apply the updates and patches of that base packages?. Should we build in a non-patched-since-release environment?
Mirror the update tree locally and run createrepo on it.
I revised it. Is far more MB to download than I thought. Is there any way to make a 'yast online update' in every y2pmbuild environment. If the answer is no, it would be a nice thing to add to future y2pmbuild versions. Add it to a wish list. ;) Guillermo
cu Ludwig
-- Guillermo Ballester Valor gbv@oxixares.com Ogijares, Granada SPAIN Public GPG KEY http://www.oxixares.com/~gbv/pubgpg.html #################################################### See World Weather Navigator at http://www.ogimet.com ####################################################