I would say you already have the links you need. My packaging work is based on 3 things:

1- the documentation in the wiki
2- the documentation in the fedora wiki
3- other existing rpms which I use as example

openSUSE and Fedora share a lot of things, being RPM one of them. Most documentation on Fedora wiki pages can be used safely on openSUSE package. However, openSUSE adds some things on top, like macros, which you can find in the openSUSE kiwi pages.

If you don't want to use the build service, you can try to use rpmbuild command, and then use createrepo command to create your own repo with your packages you will create.

On 01/21/2016 04:34 PM, Zbigniew Reszela wrote:

In my institute we are selecting the operating system and Leap 42.1 is a
strong candidate.

In the selection process we are deeply analyzing the packaging and package
management aspects. Currently we use openSUSE 11.1 and some custom GUI
packaging and installation tools based on RPM.
With the new OS we would like to follow the “packaging good practices” of
the distribution.
We have already tried building packages for the python projects, using the
“python setup.py bdist_rpm” (based on distutils), but we also wanted to
give a try to the "openSUSE:Packaging guidelines” [1].

We mostly use Python and C++ projects, hosted on sourceforge/github or our
local repositories. We do want to implement Continuous Delivery, so
automatic packaging and deployment to the testing environment is crucial
for us.

Initially we do not foresee to publish our packages to the distribution,
but maybe in the future we would like to do that for some of our projects.
In your portal we have found several recommendation to use the OBS [2].
But our understanding is that OBS is just for the packages aimed to be
public. We have not found information on how to build locally packages
apart of a link to the Fedora “How to create RPM packages” [3]. There is
also a possibility to setup our private OBS system, but maybe it is too
complicated solution for what we need right now.

Could you provide us a guide on how to do packaging in the most compatible
with the openSUSE standards way.

Thanks a lot for your help!

[1] https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Packaging_guidelines
[2] https://en.opensuse.org/Portal:Build_Service/Documentation
[3] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_create_an_RPM_package