The problem is most likely your XF86Config file. take a lookt at /etc/X11/XF86Config and make sure everything matches. IE -- Vert Refresh and Horizontal Synch of the monitor, and make sure the driver says "nvidia". Actually, your best bet is to first go to www.nvidia.com and get the latest drivers. To install the drivers, you'll need to go to INIT 3. You can't install with the X-Server running. Run the script, it will install the drivers, but for some reason won't "start" the drivers, for lack of a better word. When the drivers are installed, edit XF86Config and make sure under the DEVICE Section of the file it says Driver "nvidia" and not "generic", "nv" or something like that. HTH Paul
Hi everybody!
I have a problem. I have Linux 7.1, and my KDE isn`t working properly. The screen size is in KDE 640*480, and I can`t change it. The utility (where are the system properties too) isn`t allowe to change it. I would like to know how can I set up my display. The display is Fujitsu-Siemens (C994) 19". My vga-card is Nvidia TNT2, model 64.
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