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Re: Disk space for mirror
Hi Lubos,

On 09/05/2022 13:15, Lubos Kocman wrote:
> if somebody would like to help with refresh of the individual hotstuff
> modules. You're more than welcome to join. Ideally we should take what
> we have and put it under git or similar.
> https://hackweek.opensuse.org/21/projects/home-mirror-101-refresh-of-hotstuff

That'll be really cool.

I'd like to join this and help. Is there any documentation on how the
rsync modules, mirror infra etc, operate? I bet the current one at
https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Mirror_infrastructure is obsolete.


Ish Sookun


Just confirming that we got your request. We're on it.