I've been running a mirror [1] for over a year inside containers (with Swarm).
I cleaned up everything and I'm ready to share it with everyone that is interested in it.
The Dockerfiles are on GitHub [2] and the images are on DockerHub [3].
The Swarm/Compose files are also on GitHub [4], but you would need to change them to your needs (replacing the domain name at least).
Feel free to test it. Report any issues that you may find preferably on GitHub.
Deploying this to Kubernetes is also possible, but no examples are provided at this time.
[1] http://download.opensuse.net.br/
[2] https://hub.docker.com/u/opensusebr
[3] https://github.com/opensuse-brasil/mirror-images
[4] https://github.com/opensuse-brasil/mirror-swarm