On 2011-03-27 Jos wrote:
On 2011-03-19 Helen wrote:
On Sat, Mar 19, 2011 at 6:05 AM, Manu Gupta <manugupt1@gmail.com> <snip> As I personally also would like to hang up some posters/GSOC stuff at the university here, so if anyone creates a nice A4 flyer/poster out of the text I have attached and the graphics above, that'd be awesome* :D
While at it I also put it online on the wiki: http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Why_GSOC And put a link to this "why GSOC" page in the students section of the GSOC 2011 page. If someone with some wiki FU could prettify it, that'd be awesome! As would be any improvement to the text of course ;-)
Would also be nice to have for next year...
Have fun and get us some students ;-)
Cheers, Jos
* It would also ensure I don't have to fire up Inkscape and embarash myself with my horrible graphics/design/layouting skills...