Cool, happy to! @adathorium

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-------- Original Message --------
On Oct 6, 2021, 6:52 PM, ddemaio <> wrote:

Hi all,
On 2021-10-06 10:33, ddemaio wrote:
> Hi all,
> If you are interested in helping out with marketing for openSUSE on
> Twitter, I can add you to tweetdeck to help contribute. I would just
> need your twitter user name.

I was asked about exceptions regarding access, so I figure it's best to
write it here so we are all on the same page.

Liking "technical" or "open-source related" tweets and/or retweeting
them are encouraged. If you want to come up with a post, that is fine.
If it's technical, that is great. Tweets about the project, answering
questions and pointing people to the right resources is really the
overall goal; i.e. helping them to help others and the project. Also,
posting in other languages is fine.

We want to avoid engaging with negative tweets. Negative meaning
disrespectful or trolling. That's not to say we shouldn't respond given
the correct circumstances; it just depends on the situation. If someone
is frustrated and you can help, please feel free. If someone is
complaining, it's recommended to avoid adding fuel to the fire (making
it worse). Unless you can provide something meaningful, positive or an
actionable tweet to the conversation.

If you feel like you are uncertain about something you want to tweet,
ping it off the marketing group. (this email account)

I will note that the account is not meant to be used for any political
posting. Also during openSUSE board elections, there shouldn't be any
favoritism toward liking one candidates post over another.

I think a basic rule we can all live by is "do I believe this tweet,
retweet, etc. is representative and accepted by many in the project."

The intention here is not to be restrictive but just to point out some
basic rules we as a group want to follow. If you have any questions on
the topic, please reply to the mailing list here. If anyone wants to add
something you think we should also emphasize, please mention it.
